Thursday, July 9, 2009

Erica and I had a wonderful time

in Idaho Falls today...but that's not what my post is about. :-) Once we got back into Rexburg we went to Wal*Mart and I went to the clearance isle and I found that womans underwear was on sell for only a dollar! I immediately got an idea and looked for the largest size I could find in pink.

I had planned to put these silky drawers in one of my roommates bed, near the feet. Or in his laundry basket so he would find it in the laundry room, with potentially a bunch of people around.

Here is the school photograph of our victim, my roommate Richard.

Here is his laundry basket.
Here is the underwear making it's way inside.
Here it is tucked in the top left corner. It looks slightly pink.
Here is his laundry basket after the deed. It looks just like it did. He'll never suspect a thing.

I'll keep everyone updated on what happens with this. It will probably happen in the next couple days or so. I'm guessing he'll do laundry next monday or tuesday.