Yesterday, Erica and I saw Twilight Eclipse. We had previously seen the first two movies and didn’t mind them at all. I could even go as far to say that we may have enjoyed watching the first two movies. Yesterday rolled around and Erica and I were looking for something to do. She anxiously suggested that we go and see Eclipse. The movie started at 10:10. We quickly ran to WINCO to purchase some snacks.
We sat down and were instantly drawn into the attraction of the previews. There are a lot of good movies coming out soon. The lights began to dim and eventually the whole theater was dark. The first scene came on and Edward and Bella were in the middle of a beautiful field of flowers immersed in themselves and how beautiful they were. I looked over at Erica and she was rolling her eyes just as much as I was. …Why wasn’t Edward shimmering while he was sitting romantically with his lover in the hot sun in the middle of a field?
Edward: Wow Bella, you’re beautiful
Bella: I know, want to get married?
Edward: I love you, but can’t be with you forever because I’m a vampire and don’t have a soul and there is still hope for you to go to heaven eventually if you live a life full of integrity so I’m going to keep showing you that I’m interested in you knowing full well that I’ll never change you into a vampire
Belle: Ok, I love you too!
My favorite part was when Jacob (teen wolf) and Bella were walking by a lake and Jacob was telling Bella how much she loved him.
Jacob: I love you Bella and I know you love me too
Bella: No I don’t
Jacob: yes, you do, you just don’t know it yet.
Bella: I’m pretty sure I don’t
Jacob then takes Bellas hand and puts it on his bare chest
Jacob: Feel this! This is my heart, flesh and bones, It’s warm because I have a soul.
Bella: You know, I may love you after all!
Jacob then kisses Bella and she punches him in the face and almost breaks her hand because his muscles are just that big!
This is just a peek into the mundane dialogue that encompassed this superficial teenage drama.
Why does Bella love Edward? Because he’s mysterious. Why does Edward love Bella? Because she too is mysterious. In other words, they don’t know why they love eachother, they just do. Or what they think is love (hormones, misguided passion, etc.) has taken over, and nothing else matters. Romantic, or just a lie?
If I had a dollar for every scene Jacob was half-naked in this movie, I would have enough money to buy another movie ticket and watch it again. But I know better. I’d take the money and run! It would be different if it was filmed at a beach or something, but they were in a snowy mountain half time-- once during a blizzard!
1 day ago