Friday, September 11, 2009

What do you get when you mix...

...twilight, Europe, and my family?...

...You get me being home all alone for an extended weekend. :-/

I'm the youngest of six kids and am not used to being alone. I'm trying to stay out of trouble though and keep myself busy. I've been doing alot of random stuff. I've been adding more things to my "100 things to do before I die" list. I've been working alot. I've applied for scholarships. I've been working on various projects. I've even gone as far as reading and cleaning the house.

Today though, I was also looking at pictures and movies from my mission. I'm going to share two of them with you.

There was a missionary who had been out two months longer than me. Amazing guy, even more amazing dancer. One day he wanted to show off his break dancing skills. So we popped in the Insideout Accapella group cd and then he went to work. Here are two of his videos.

Elder Vai break dancing video 1

Elder Vai break dancing video 2


Ivon said...

hey lonely boy; thanks for picking us up from the airport yesterday. Now you are not alone.

neffie said...

HAHA! did you laugh when you posted this? Funny! I like the chess one. LOL

Laura said...
