Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Halloween Party

I should of put these pictures up a long time ago. They are in no particular order.
Our halloween party was fun...

When people came to our party, they first needed to walk through a "spook alley" It was tarped off and really dark. There were a couple black lights in there so you could see a little bit but for the most part it was really dark.

This was the end, right outside of the front door. Erica, Miranda, and I carved pumpkins which gave a little light to people who were going through the spook alley

Scary Head

Coffin with dead thing

The little get away in the backyard.


Lots of it


And of course...Thriller, which was headed off by Erica. It was amazing. :-)


Laura said...

You guys did a fantastic job!

Nancy said...

It was a great party and all the mess was cleaned up with NO evidence of the crowd being here!! You all did a wonderful job!!

Ivon said...

I must say you did have fun keeping me awake. :)

Kim said...

Your spook alley scared us!