Sunday, May 2, 2010


An epidemic is defined as something affecting many persons at the same time, and spreading from person to person in a locality where the disease is not permanently prevalent. ( Epidemics are usually associated with deadly diseases. The black plague was an epidemic, there have been many cases of influenza, and even HIV has been defined as a current epidemic.

I would like to add facebook to the list of current epidemics. It may not have killed people, but it has certainly caused a widespread numbness to reality. Rarely is someone on facebook real. We live in a society in which everyone is trying portray their perfect selves in an attempt to out do others. People have lost social skills: skills which will allow them to further themselves in their careers and also as their potential as a human being.

It is often said that whenever God creates something good, Satan then counters it with something bad. An example of this is the internet. God allows us to do research and to increase our knowledge through the numberless resources on the internet. Satan counters it with numberless sites of easily obtainable pornography. I personally feel that there is no good that comes from facebook. What good is there that comes solely from facebook that cannot be obtained in another way? What about evil? Erica was invited to become friends with someone she didn’t now. This person had an Islamic name with a profile picture of a gun. Has facebook helped in the exploitation of women and children? Just think about that. Has the drama of facebook ever caused friction in a marriage or relationship of someone that you know?

Check out this site of random facebook facts. It is unbiased but I think some of the facts on there will scare a lot of you.

BYU did a study and found a correlation between failing grades and addiction to electronic entertainment. Imagine how much more successful students would be if they weren’t constantly wondering who poked them or wrote on their wall. Imagine how much more efficient people would be in their jobs if they weren’t checking facebook on their cell phones.

This past week I gave facebook another chance. I found myself on it often. I enjoyed looking at people’s pictures, searching for past friends and seeing what is new in their lives, and feeling connected to my friends back in Salem. I also saw a decline in homework effort. I saw an increase in stress for upcoming quizes which I have yet to study for.

I have a vision of the man that I want to become. I feel that everyday I’m climbing up the mountain of success and of moral strength which will eventually help me be there. When I am on facebook; I not only to I take a step back, but I feel myself slipping and falling down that mountain. I become unmotivated. I start to worry about what everyone is thinking. I even become a jealous person.

I feel that people have lost the ability to communicate effectively in face to face scenarios. For over 2000 years we’ve lived without facebook, so why is there a need for it now? Some may argue that it keeps friends in contact. If someone is a real friend, wouldn’t they take the effort to pick up the phone and to call you?
So with all of that said, I am boycotting facebook.


Nancy said...

That is upsetting about the person thats profile picture was a gun. You do what is best for you and continue to reach your goals. You are right, facebook time does take away from study time. I want you to be happy and do what's best for you. I love you and I'm proud of you!!

Ivon said...

With that said, I will spend less time on Farmville. :)

And for you my son, get to studying for that quiz. I love you.

Erica said...

As I was reading this I asked myself a lot of rhetorical questions:

Do the bad things about facebook outweigh the good?

Are virtual friends just as good as tangible friends?

Is writing a wall post as special as a card?

Am I in any danger on facebook?

Do I have facebook to stay in touch with friends or to see what everyone is gossiping about?

Do I compare myself to others?

Is my scripture study time to facebook time a healthy ratio?

I'm going to keep thinking about these things. Thanks Derek :)

Laura said...

Great food for thought Derek.
Love you!

meesteryoung said...

Not giving up my facebook :-)

The Steve said...

Am I a joke to you ? When you were on facebook, I didn't receive a friend request. I am in Alaska. Why didn't you send me a friend request...are we really not friends ?

So true