Monday, March 8, 2010

Cool Random Fact

So today my Old Testament teacher told us how he was messing around on the new family search website and was able to trace his lineage back to Adam. I thought that was kinda cool so I pulled up my genealogy and started to see how far I could trace mine back.

I figured that royalty kept better records than anyone else, so I kept pressing the lineages of the kings and the queens that came off of my line. Before I knew it I was clicking on Enoch, Methuselah, Shem, Noah, Adam (they aren't in order, but they were all on my genealogy!) and a bunch of other famous Bible people.


Laura said...

Hilarious photo!!

The Steve said...

That's cool! I wonder how far back I can trace mine @

neffie said...

Royalty does not have the best records because they all want to trace back to Charlemagne. But funny post!

Ivon said...

I would say, royalty is your best bet for a unproven lineage. Just remember that history is written by the winners. :)

Nancy said...

Nice picture!! Where would they have gotten this picture developed? They were the only ones for a while!! I know....Wal-mart one hour service ;) Too funny!!!!!