Thursday, January 21, 2010

It's 10:30 pm...

It's 10:30pm on a dark and dreary night in Rexburg Idaho. My eyes are continually having to readjust to the flickering library lights. I try to keep my concentration on the task ahead of me but I feel as if some unknown force is inside me trying to escape. My friends are back at the apartment playing games, being on facebook and eating top ramen while I spend my nights in isolation from the rest of the world. Why you may ask? What terrible thing have I done which would constitute me being confined the library on a Thursday night? I chose to be here.

I'm spending this night exploring my text books trying to comprehend the material my teachers are continually throwing my way. I don't enjoy this. I can't, however, go home where my friends are having fun while I'm experiencing an internal Armageddon.

My heart was torn in two the other day as I looked on Erica’s blog and noticed that she had over 1600 hits. My measly blog just barely has over 1500 hits. My hit counter only raises when I bribe my family with candy bars. In an attempt to glue back together my shattered heart, Erica offered to make me dinner. I gladly accepted.

I am done moping though! I am resolved. I know what my viewers want and so I’m going to give it to them. If I can reach 1000 hits with a candy bar. What will it take to get my families help to reach 5000 hits? Well…

My dear friends and family,

If I reach 5000 hits before the end of the term. One of you, whomever is the 5000th hit is will win a one night stay in Rexburg Idaho.

God bless each and everyone one of you.


Ivon said...

Your days in the library take me back to my days in at the Naval Postgraduate School. This post is one of your 5000. Good luck.

Nancy said...

You make me laugh! Study hard and stay in the library to study (even though you have an internal Armageddon). It will pay off in the long run. I love you!!!!!
P.S. Thank you Erica for feeding this poor library inmate! ;)

Laura said...

You're hilarious! You get hits when you blog so keep blogging, with photos of course.
I'd LOVE for you to reciprocate in making comments - I love hearing from you!
I never got the candy bar I so awesomely won so I'm donating it to you for your late hours in the library to help you keep up your strength.
Love you!! :-)

Derek Young said...

Oh no Laura, You're getting your candy bar. I've made plans to get it to you.

Laura said...

You're so silly! :-)