Friday, December 11, 2009

I miss my brother Steve.

He lives in Alaska and is coming home to visit after I leave for Rexburg. I wont be able to see him and I miss him so I wrote him a poem... I titled it Steve :-)


Steve is my brother, kind, dear and smart.
Living his life in Alaska still fulfilling his big brother part.
Though in winter months, Alaska is black.
He still puts on a smile and starts up his mac.
He works on computers, clicking the mouse all day long
Through years of working out, his pointer finger is pretty dang strong.
I feel that I know him better than anyone else.
I feel that as we grow older, our hearts have begun to meld.
He tells me things Laura doesn't even know.

Having him live so far away really blows.
We grew up together and not always got along
But now that we're older our relationship has become strong.
Three years is what separates his age from mine.
But him being older isn't what makes him shine.
I'm running out of rhymes so my poem ends here.
But the next time I see Steve will be sometime next year :-(


Ivon said...

Awesome poem. I can tell that you and Steve are close. Love you.

Sherri said...

You can cook and write poetry!

Erica said...

That was such a nice poem, Derek. :)

Laura said...

Awesome! And thanks for putting that little dig in about me....

Nancy said...

I love your poem and I'm sure Steve will too!

neffie said...

haha Derek. Nice poem. You forgot to mention that when you guys get together you're like giggling school girls.

I miss him too.